Posters that Educate, Decorate and Elucidate
Educational Matrix posters are the latest enhancement to app based, text book and remote learning. There are many reasons why. Educational posters draw interest and create enthusiasm without ever opening a book or turning on a computer. They also allow one to quickly review essential facts and concepts needed for a test. More so, they are portable, easily taken to the classroom or put in your office. As such they give teachers a systematic and ergonomical platform to explain a subject in a friendly and professional way. Studies have also indicated that overall there is a link between educational posters and better comprehension and grades. One reason may be is that they are a graphical invitation to knowledge. Students with an interest seem to naturally drawn to posters that may help them solve academic problems.
To meet the need for educational posters, the StatisticsMatrix has focused its attention on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) knowledge that businesses, employees and STEM students need to know and know quickly. Whether its on the job, or for supplementing a computer science, mathematics, electronics or physics course, this line of matrix posters and their counterparts, prints, tapestries and notebooks give you the road map and the facts, equations, tables, charts, code, processes, concepts you need to quickly grasp the totality of a professional or academic topic.
The Educational Matrix posters come in 3 sizes, small for your notebooks or. medium and large, for your office, home or classroom. Illustrated and concept driven these posters attract attention and drive interest in science, technology engineering and mathematics classes. They, along with their counterpart, Educational Matrix Tapestries, are portable and can be taken with you or placed on any wall or cubicle. All serving as an ever handy reference that doesn’t require opening a textbook or starting up a PC or mobile phone. Teachers find educational posters an attraction in the classroom that invites educational discourse among students, parents, tutors and teachers.
There are more reasons. These educational posters can double as well-thought out course plans for teachers and all in one cheat sheets for quick review of subjects before exams. Another and probably most important reason is that the posters inspire academic thought. New ideas propagate from thought, and thought is the mother of invention and imagination. More so, these posters are like having an in-house tutor, but without the cost. Better than books is that they don’t weigh much and can be rolled up and taken with you.
These educational posters are your map to the world of statistics, algebra, electronics, fashion, physics, computer science and more, they are your gateway to learning, learning faster and significantly improved levels of comprehension and retention
Choose from the StatisticsMatrix, the ElectronicsMatrix, The AlgebraMatrix, The PhysicsMatrix and a number of database oriented computer science matrixes, the XMLMatrix, the XLSMatric and the SQLMatrix,