JavaScript stacks are application development stacks that expediate the development of applications that are built with JavaScript. JavaScript stacks have one underlying core and that is Node.js. What is significant about Node.js is that it a back-end JavaScript runtime that allows for server side (back-end) JavaScript modules to be created. What is even more critical, is that HTTP requests can be sent to a Node.js back-end. This obliviates the need to have a PHP back-end or for that matter a Python back-end or a Java back-end. The primary reasons sited for a Node,.js backend are:
- Faster Applications Execution: Asynchronous I/O. This allows for application execution between requests
- One language. JavaScript, can be used for front-end and back-end development greatly reducing the need for different programming skills and associated programmer costs. JavaScript is the most widely used language in the world
However, there are other motivating factors for not or using Node.js. According to Sebastien Mirolo, CEO of DjaoDjin, a SaaS company focused on the trade associations market, reports “React ( is the most used front-end JavaScript framework at this point and Svelte ( is the one most of the most discussed as up-and-coming. ” He continues, “You can run asynchronous I/O in pretty much any back-end frameworks but it is true it is native with Node.js. Most teams that built their backend in Node.js ported over to Go or Rust at some point because static typing and compiled code are really nice to build quality software after all. JavaScript will always have the fundamental issue that numbers (integers, reals, etc.) are handled too loosely for numeric applications.”
JavaScript Developer Front-End and Back-End Stack Components
JavaScript Runtimes: Node.js
JavaScript Frameworks · Angular, Vue.js, Ember.js, Meteor, Mithril, Polymer.
JavaScript Code Error Detection and Analysis: Typescript
JavaScript IDEs: WebStorm
JavaScript Libraries: JQuery, React.js, D3.js,Underscore.js, Lodash, Algolia Places, Anime.js, Aniamate On Scroll, Bideo.js, Chart.js, Cleave.js, Choreographer.js, Glimmer, Granim.js, fullPage.js, Leaflet, Multiple.js, Moment.js, Masonry, Omniscient, Parsley, Popper.js, Three.js, Screenfull.js, Polymer, Voca
JavaScript APIs: Atlassian Connect JavaScript API, CanvasJS, PlotlyJS, ChartJS, D3.js
These are just two factors. Looking decades into the future, one might guess that JavaScript may become the universal back-end and front-end developer language. JavaScript will have evolved such there are no advantages to using other languages — from both the standpoint that the time to learn different languages or hire programmers with different language skills don’t make sense in terms of performance gains from using a multitude of languages.